1. What did you do this past week?

This past week I closed the last of my issues, finished writing my tests and submitted Collatz. I also spent this week working on some open source projects I am involved with.

2. What’s in your way?

Nothing really is in my way thus far with regards to this class, though Netflix is out now so me and my partner have started working on that. Outside of this class finding enough time to do all the other work I want to do is proving to be a bit of a challenge.

3. What will you do next week?

Next week me and my partner will work on finishing Project 2: Netflix. We have already started and written some of the code to handle calculating the root mean square error and reading and printing the pertinent data, but we still need to work on the prediction part.

4. What was your experience of exceptions, consts, and Boost serialization?

I found the lecture about Boost serialization to be quite interesting I also did not know much about how C++ handled exceptions so learning about that was very enlightening as well.

5. How are you doing and holding up? What’s been most helpful for you in terms of support at this time?

I am doing and holding up fine, things have become a bit more normal for now. In terms of support talking to my friends and being around family has been helpful.

6. What made you happy this week?

Learning something new about C++ in the way of Boost serialization made me happy this week as well as some progress I made on a library I am collaborating with a few others on.

7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

“Premature optimization is the root of all evil” -Donald Knuth. I learned this the hard way recently on a systems side project I’ve been working an optimization I had made early on in the project turned out to fail under one specific set of conditions I thought would never arise and lead to an error that took me the better part of a week to debug all for one line. However, this semester I have really learned the value of starting off with a simple working implementation.



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