CS371p Fall 2020 Week 9: Abu-Zayd Abdullah

- What did you do this past week?
This past week me and my partner turned in the Allocator project and I started working on my Network Security and Privacy project with my other partner. Other than that this week was kind of unproductive which given that all my midterms are done was acceptable and kind of refreshing.
2. What’s in your way?
Darwin and my Network Security project are in my way, more so the Network Security project. For said project we need to craft three ROP exploits and while we wrote the first without much trouble the second and third are proving to require substantially more work and are posing unique challenges we didn’t experience on the first.
3. What will you do next week?
Next week I will work start work on Darwin and also work more on my network security lab with my partner and hopefully get through the remaining two exploits.
4. If you read it, what did you think of Ethical CS?
This is my second time reading it, and I agree that technological progress is good, but morale implications of such advances always have to be taken into consideration. Technological progress is good, but morale implications of such advances always have to be taken into consideration.
5. What was your experience of lambdas, initializations, std::initializer_list, and std::vector?
I find lambdas and the different ways of initialization to be pretty nice features of C++, while things like lambdas and containers like vector are common in other languages initializer_list is very much unique to C++ at least in terms of the handful of languages I have worked with thus far so learning about its uses was very enlightening.
6. What made you happy this week?
My midterms are all done now so things should hopefully lighten up a little bit workload wise and getting the first ROP exploit was incredibly satisfying being able to spawn the shell by abusing a flaw in the target program was very fun to do.
7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
I quite like watching C++ Weekly its a show run by Jason Turner that talks about little parts of C++ or different tips when working with C++ and he has several segments going back several years so you always have something to watch and something new to learn. I found a lot of his videos to be very clear back when I was first learning C++ so his channel is definitely a resource I recommend. He also gives quite a few talks which while not nearly as short as his episodes are very informative.